
SMS/Email Broadcasting

How to create a campaign for SMS/Email broadcasting in Chiefbot


👥 To create a campaign for broadcasting, first, go to the dashboard of CheifBot. Then click on the menu called Broadcasting at the left-sidebar of the dashboard.

👥 To create a campaign for broadcasting, first, go to the dashboard of CheifBot. Then click on the menu called Broadcasting at the left-sidebar of the dashboard.

And instantly, will appear a page that is divided into two sections – Messenger Broadcasting and SMS/email Broadcasting. And the SMS/email Broadcasting is divided into Five parts — CONTACT, TEMPLATE, BROADCAST CAMPAIGN, SEQUENCE CAMPAIGN and OPT-IN FORM BUILDER. To create a campaign for Messenger Broadcasting, click on the Messenger Broadcasting option.

New Heading


To create SMS/Email broadcasting, first, you have to create contact. To create contact, first, you need to create a group.

Create group


To create a group, click on the button called the group in the Contact option of SMS/email broadcasting section.

To create a group, click on the button called the group in the Contact option of SMS/email broadcasting section.

And instantly, a new page called contact group with New group button will appear. Now click on the New group button.

And instantly, a new page called contact group with New group button will appear. Now click on the New group button.

Instantly, a modal with a field called group name will appear. Write a name in the field for the group and click the save button. And a successful message will appear. Now click on the close button to close the modal form.

Instantly, a modal with a field called group name will appear. Write a name in the field for the group and click the save button. And a successful message will appear. Now click on the close button to close the modal form.

Now the group will appear in the list of the group. You can also edit and delete the group by clicking on the edit and delete icon.

Now the group will appear in the list of the group. You can also edit and delete the group by clicking on the edit and delete icon.

Create Contact


Now get back to the interface of the broadcasting and click on the contact button in the CONTACT option.


Instantly, a page called Contact Book will appear with a New contact button The predefined contacts will be present on the page. You can edit and delete the predefined contacts by clicking on the edit and delete button. Also, you can see the details of the contact by clicking on the view details(eye icon) button.

Instantly, a page called Contact Book will appear with a New contact button The predefined contacts will be present on the page. You can edit and delete the predefined contacts by clicking on the edit and delete button. Also, you can see the details of the contact by clicking on the view details(eye icon) button.

Click on the New contact button.

Click on the New contact button.

Instantly, a modal form with some fields will appear. Fill-out the form and click on the Save button. And a successful message will appear. And the contacts you create will appear in the list on the Contact Book page.

Instantly, a modal form with some fields will appear. Fill-out the form and click on the Save button. And a successful message will appear. And the contacts you create will appear in the list on the Contact Book page.

From the list, you can edit and delete the predefined contacts by clicking on the edit and delete button.

From the list, you can edit and delete the predefined contacts by clicking on the edit and delete button.

Also, you can see the details of the contact by clicking on the view details(eye icon) button. Just as you click on the eye icon, a modal will appear with contact details.

On the modal, you can assign sequence to the contact. Also, you can write a note for a contact. Of course, you can see the contact details on the modal form.

Also, you can see the details of the contact by clicking on the view details(eye icon) button. Just as you click on the eye icon, a modal will appear with contact details.

On the modal, you can assign sequence to the contact. Also, you can write a note for a contact. Of course, you can see the contact details on the modal form.

Import Contacts


Also, you can import and export contacts easily. Of course, you can delete selected contacts.


Click on the options button of the Contact book page, and instantly, a drop-down menu of three buttons — import, export, and delete — will appear.

Click on the options button of the Contact book page, and instantly, a drop-down menu of three buttons — import, export, and delete — will appear.

Import contacts


To import contacts, click on the import button.

To import contacts, click on the import button.

Instantly, a modal form called import contact(CSV) will appear. First, download the sample CSV file to see how to organize the CSV file.

Instantly, a modal form called import contact(CSV) will appear. First, download the sample CSV file to see how to organize the CSV file.

The sample CSV file

The sample CSV file

Select contact groups in the Contact group field of the modal form. Click on the Contact group field and a drop-down menu of different contact groups will appear. From the drop-down menu, select contact group. Of course, you can select multiple contact groups.

Then you have to upload a CSV file of contacts you want to import. Upload a CSV file by clicking on the upload button. Then click on the import button of the modal form.

Select contact groups in the Contact group field of the modal form. Click on the Contact group field and a drop-down menu of different contact groups will appear. From the drop-down menu, select contact group. Of course, you can select multiple contact groups.

Then you have to upload a CSV file of contacts you want to import. Upload a CSV file by clicking on the upload button. Then click on the import button of the modal form.

Instantly, a successful message will appear. Then click on the cross button and the modal form will disappear.And you will see that the contacts have been added to the contact list.

Instantly, a successful message will appear. Then click on the cross button and the modal form will disappear.And you will see that the contacts have been added to the contact list.

Export contacts


To export contacts, first, you have to select the contacts you want to export.

To export contacts, first, you have to select the contacts you want to export.

After that, click on the export button of the drop-down menu of the Option button. And a CSV file of the selected contacts will be downloaded.

After that, click on the export button of the drop-down menu of the Option button. And a CSV file of the selected contacts will be downloaded.

Delete contacts


To delete contacts, first, you have to select the contacts you want to delete.

To delete contacts, first, you have to select the contacts you want to delete.

Then click on the delete button of the drop-down menu of the option button.

Then click on the delete button of the drop-down menu of the option button.

Instantly, a modal form will appear with the ok and cancel button. To delete the contacts, click on the ok button and the selected contacts will be deleted.



New step

New step

Email Template


Now get back to the interface of the broadcasting. On the template option, click on the Email button to create an email template.

Now get back to the interface of the broadcasting. On the template option, click on the Email button to create an email template.

Instantly, a page called email template will appear with a button called new template. Now click on the new template button and a drop-down menu of two options – Rich Text Editor and drag and drop – will appear. Click on the Rich text editor.

Instantly, a page called email template will appear with a button called new template. Now click on the new template button and a drop-down menu of two options – Rich Text Editor and drag and drop – will appear. Click on the Rich text editor.

Now the template will appear in a list of saved templates. Of course, you can edit and delete the template. Of course, you can view the template by clicking on the view template button.

Now the template will appear in a list of saved templates. Of course, you can edit and delete the template. Of course, you can view the template by clicking on the view template button.

Create template by drag and drop

On the other hand, if you want to create a template by drag and drop, click on the drag and drop option of the drop-down menu.

## Create template by drag and drop
On the other hand, if you want to create a template by drag and drop, click on the drag and drop option of the drop-down menu.

Instantly, a page with four options – no sidebar, left sidebar, Right sidebar, both sidebar – will appear. With the four types of options, you can create four types of template. Click on any option and an editor will appear. On the right side of the editor, you will see a sidebar with some elements – Text, image, link, and divider. Now you have to drag the element and drop it on the editor.

Instantly, a page with four options – no sidebar, left sidebar, Right sidebar, both sidebar – will appear.
With the four types of options, you can create four types of template. Click on any option and an editor will appear. On the right side of the editor, you will see a sidebar with some elements – Text, image, link, and divider. Now you have to drag the element and drop it on the editor.

Now drag the text element and drop it on the editor. Now double-click on the text element and a field will appear. And on the field, you have to write your text. Then click on the tick to save the text. Likewise, by clicking on the cross button, you can delete the text and the element.


Now drag the image element from the sidebar and drop it on the editor. Now double-click on the image element to upload an image. After you have uploaded an image, the image will appear on the image element.


Likewise, drag an link element where you have to provide an URL. Click on the element and a modal form will appear. In the first field of the modal, you have to provide an url. Then you have to write the title of the link. You can also change the color and background color of the bar of the link. You can also change the size and the position of the preview.


Also, you can drag and drop the divider element. The divider element will divide the element. Well, you can change the color of the divider.

Also, you can drag and drop the divider element. The divider element will divide the element. Well, you can change the color of the divider.

At the left bottom side of the editor, you will see some buttons – Layout options, save and quit, save template, save template and preview button.


Now click on the Layout options and a left sidebar will appear. From the sidebar, you can change the layout of the template.

SMS template


To create a template for SMS, click on the SMS option in the template.

To create a template for SMS, click on the SMS option in the template.

And instantly, a page called SMS template with a button called New template will appear. Click on the New template button.

And instantly, a page called SMS template with a button called New template will appear. Click on the New template button.

You have to provide a template name in the template name field. Then you have to write content in the content field. You can also include the first name or the last name in the content.

Then click on the save button to save the template.

You have to provide a template name in the template name field. Then you have to write content in the content field. You can also include the first name or the last name in the content.

Then click on the save button to save the template.