
Facebook Live Chat

๐Ÿ“ This article will guide you through the optimal utilization of the Live Chat feature.

๐Ÿค– CheifBot, a chatbot-building platform and multichannel marketing software, has recently introduced a feature called Live Chat.


Within the Live Chat interface, you can access recent conversations between your users and your Facebook page or Instagram account. Through Live Chat, you can seamlessly engage with users directly via your Facebook page or Instagram account, offering the same functionalities available on Facebook or Instagram messenger. Additionally, you can perform tasks such as creating labels, assigning labels to users, and setting up sequence messages.

Using Live Chat!

๐Ÿ“ฑ Using Live Chat is as intuitive as using Facebook and Instagram messenger. It offers a straightforward and hassle-free experience.

๐Ÿ”„ Furthermore, you have the flexibility to subscribe and unsubscribe users at any time. Similarly, you can pause and resume bot replies for specific users

Letโ€™s see how to use Live Chat


First, go to the dashboard of CheifBot. You will see the live chat menu at the left sidebar of the dashboard. Just click on the Live Chat option.

First, go to the dashboard of CheifBot. You will see the live chat menu at the left sidebar of the dashboard. Just click on the **Live Chat** option.

Instantly, the interface of the live chat will appear.

Live Chat interface is divided into three sections-- subscribers list, messaging window, and actions.

Instantly, the interface of the live chat will appear.

Live Chat interface is divided into three sections-- **subscribers list, messaging window, and actions.**

Subscribers' list

In the subscribersโ€™ list section, you can see the list of subscribers who you have conversed with recently. Also, you can search for a subscriber on the search bar. And by clicking on the reload button, you can reload the Live Chat, though the live chat reloads automatically at times.

## Subscribers' list

In the subscribersโ€™ list section, you can see the list of subscribers who you have conversed with recently. Also, you can search for a subscriber on the search bar. And by clicking on the reload button, you can reload the Live Chat, though the live chat reloads automatically at times.

If we Click ๐Ÿ”„ it will Relod the page and ๐Ÿ”• which is to enable the Notifications and If we click the < it will redirect to the Dashboard

If we Click ๐Ÿ”„ it will Relod the page and ๐Ÿ”• which is to enable the Notifications and If we click the **<** it will redirect to the Dashboard

Bot ready made Templates can use for the reply.

Bot ready made Templates can use for the reply.

Click on "ร—"

Click on "ร—"

Click on "ร—"

Click on "ร—"

Click this icon

Click this icon

The messaging window is for directly chatting with users.

In the message tag field, you have to select a message tag. Click on the message tag field and instantly will appear a drop-down menu of different message tags such as Human agent, Account update, Confirmed Event, Post purchase Update, Non-promotional(NP registered only). If you select the human agent message tag, you have to reply to the message from users within 24 hours, otherwise, you will get an error. In this case, you have to use other message tags.

## The messaging window is for directly chatting with users.

In the message tag field, you have to select a message tag. Click on the message tag field and instantly will appear a drop-down menu of different message tags such as Human agent, Account update, Confirmed Event, Post purchase Update, Non-promotional(NP registered only). If you select the human agent message tag, you have to reply to the message from users within 24 hours, otherwise, you will get an error. In this case, you have to use other message tags.

Also, you can select a time for automatic reloading by clicking on the reload button. Click on the reload button, and a dropdown menu of different times will appear. Now just select a time. After that, the live chat will reload automatically between the time you have selected.


Click on "Mark as"

Click on "Mark as"


By clicking on the status button, you can unsubscribe and resubscribe a user. And by clicking on the bot status button, you can pause and resume the bot reply.

## Status

By clicking on the status button, you can unsubscribe and resubscribe a user. And by clicking on the bot status button, you can **pause** and **resume** the bot reply.

Primary Information

You can see the primary information of the subscribers-- subscriber ID, gender, language, time, and date.

## Primary Information

You can see the primary information of the subscribers-- subscriber ID, gender, language, time, and date.

Opt-in through

Well, in the opt-in through option, you can see whether the subscriber has come directly through the Facebook page or the source is unknown. If you see the word Direct beside the opt-in through, you know that the user has come through the Facebook page or the Instagram account directly.

## Opt-in through

Well, in the opt-in through option, you can see whether the subscriber has come directly through the Facebook page or the source is unknown. If you see the word Direct beside the opt-in through, you know that the user has come through the Facebook page or the Instagram account directly.

Select Labels

First, you will see a form called a label. From the label field, you can assign a label to a specific user. Click on the label form and instantly appear a drop-down menu of different labels you have created before. Then you have to select a label to assign the label to a subscriber list. The selected labels will appear on the label form. Well, you can select as many labels as you want for a specific user. True, you can remove labels one after another by clicking on the cross icon next to the label name. Of course, you can remove all the labels by clicking on the cross icon in the field.

## Select Labels 

First, you will see a form called a label. From the label field, you can assign a label to a specific user. Click on the label form and instantly appear a drop-down menu of different labels you have created before. Then you have to select a label to assign the label to a subscriber list. The selected labels will appear on the label form. Well, you can select as many labels as you want for a specific user. True, you can remove labels one after another by clicking on the cross icon next to the label name. Of course, you can remove all the labels by clicking on the cross icon in the field.

New Heading


If a bot forwards a subscriber to a human agent, you can directly chat with the user from the Live Chat without opening the messenger. And on the live chat, any employee can chat with the users without being moderate on the Facebook page or the owner of the Instagram account.

In one word, using Live Chat, you or your employee can easily see the latest conversations and chat with them directly without going to Facebook and Instagram messenger.